Recommended Processor Option: Intel Microprocessor
The Intel microprocessors are common for their backwards compatibility feature. This feature allows higher end processors to work on programs written for less powerful processors. Competitors like AMD and Cyrix are following the suite by manufacturing processors with better performance, however, the merits of Intel microprocessors over these processors positions it as the most sought after CPU.
The x86 architecture is the most common build-up type for Intel microprocessors. The working principle of the Intel processor operates on the integration of different operating processes between the bus interface unit (BIU), intellectual property (IP) and the electronic unit (EU)
Advantages of Intel microprocessor
- Production Capacity: Intel unlike AMD has up to 15 CPU fabrication capacity and a handful production plants. In recent times, Intel doubled its wafer volume capacity to meet up with the growing needs of customers. This gives Intel larger production capacity thereby allowing a larger amount of CPUs available for users consumption.
- Power Consumption: Intel processors wattage is considerably lower than processors of competitors like AMD. According to research, a typical AMD CPU will consume up to three times as much wattage as an Intel processor will consume. This has an effect on the battery life of gadgets and also determines the backup of such gadgets.
- Heat Dissipation: Although performance interests oftentimes determines processor choice, however, due to its lower wattage, Intel CPU generate less heat, hence it can be recommended for compact environment gadgets (minicomputer for example)
- Compatibility: The numerical strength of Intel fabrication capacity (which is responsible for its market popularity) has made it compatible with a wider range of motherboard choices available in the market, in terms of its features and price. A list of processors that can work with motherboards can be found on their CPU support section of their manufacturer’s website.
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